Make your journal a trusted friend

A journal, a diary, a notebook, love letters to yourself, morning pages  -call it whatever you want!

I’m not talking about an agenda where you record your to-do list and appointments. That is also good, but another thing entirely.

A journal is a receptacle for your thoughts, inspirations, dreams, promises, prayers, gratitudes and questions.  It’s a tangible tool that gives you permission to look inside, have compassion for yourself, hear questions that bubble up and record your wisdom as it wants to speak to you.

I know many of you reading this are regular and devoted journalers.  That's awesome!  Some of you are sporadic journalers (that’s me!). For others, this will be fresh.

Wherever you are starting, I invite you to make your journal a good friend. Make it your home base.  

Before writing, close your eyes and breath a few slow breaths through the nose.  Settle into your body.  This brings your intuition closer to the surface and lets your heart be heard.

Start with a simple prompt and see where it leads.  

Today, I feel...

Right now, I am noticing…

Use your journal to parent yourself.  Say the kind, supportive words that you would hear from a loving friend or parent.  Notice the questions that arise and don’t worry if you have the answers right away.  Just write, don’t edit.  Just notice, don’t judge.

Life is complex enough without more complications and big expectations.  Do the easy things that keep you nourished and connected to you.  Keep these little habits available and simple.  

This is a little nudge to encourage you to keep going.  Even when things are busy and swirling around you, return to these rituals of self-connection. Journaling, it’s simple and profound.